Founded in 1997, the Home Education Partnership of Texas, Inc. exists to enhance and strengthen home education opportunities in Texas
Founded in 1997, the Home Education Partnership of Texas, Inc. exists to enhance and strengthen home education opportunities in Texas

- Providing educational courses and curriculum, and opportunities for recognition, recreation, and achievement to homeschooling students and families
- Facilitating communication and collaboration among participants and supporters in the home education community
- Linking homeschooling students and families with appropriate educational resources
- Advocating on behalf of home education to the general public, media, and educational and governmental agencies

Our Philosophy
University-Style Classes
- Parents and students choose the classes they need
- Most classes meet once a week and a few such as foreign language meet twice a week
- We are a homeschool support program, not a private school. As such, parents are free to use grades earned in HEP TX classes as they choose (contact HSLDA.org, Texas Home Educators.org, or THSC.org for information about homeschooling in Texas)

Classical School
- Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten
- 1-2 grades
- 3-5 grade program
- 6-7 grade program
- Journey Through Time: Honors English/History for grades 6-12
Statement Of Faith