Student Life
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HEP Yearbook
The HEP Yearbooks for 2025-26 are currently underway! Tammy Leland is the sponsor.
Who may participate? Students registered in HEP classes will work on the yearbook. Students participating in all extra-curricular HEP sponsored activities may work on the yearbook pages for those activities. There will be work dates scheduled to work on the book and advertising. These will be announced through email.
Advertising is one way to help off set the cost of a yearbook:
– $45 – Business card size
– $75 – 1/4 page
Limited quantities:
– $140 – 1/2 page
Special for Graduating Seniors:
– $60 – 1/4 page ad
– $120 – 1/2 page ad
Dedication Ads for all students:
– $10 — approximate size 2″ x 1 (40 ads per page)
Calendar 2025-26

Homecoming Dance: 10/10/24 (tentative)
Thanksgiving/Fall Break: 11/25-11/29/24
Christmas Break: 12/16/24-1/5/25
Spring Break: 3/10-3/14/25
Easter Good Friday: 4/18/25
Prom: 4/11/25 (Tentative Date)
Graduation: 5/10/25 (Tentative Date)
Hurricane or other Inclement Weather Make-up Day(s):
We will make up missed days/weeks at the end of each semester. We do not take the Monday Federal Holidays. Please note that many of the classes are finished before Dec. 13. Our 32-week classes start earlier and end later each semester.
Make up policy:
Each instructor will establish his/her own make-up policy. Unexcused absences may not be made up. Parents are required to notify the teacher via TeacherEase when a student is absent.
All announcements, including emergency information, will be e-mailed through the TeacherEase program and posted in the Announcement section of the TeacherEase program.